Meet the Co-Founders

Ergh... I’m exhausted. My body doesn’t feel like it used to. Why is no one talking about this? 😭
If these thoughts resonate with you, you’re not alone.
We're Sabrine, a pharmacist, and Paris, a business whiz, who joined forces after becoming moms and noticing how little science-backed support there was for moms in this phase.
During pregnancy, everything feels understood, but postpartum?
The science is still catching up.
That’s where we come in.
Using what research exists, we’re developing gentle, effective products to support the unique needs of moms—no quick fixes, just solutions built on real science.
We created Mombod to address what so many moms face but few people talk about: the lasting changes our bodies experience after childbirth.
Our mission is simple: to help moms like us feel stronger, healthier, and more at home in their bodies.
Because we believe moms deserve products that respect the science of what they’re going through.
Let’s take this journey together. 👊
Sabrine & Paris